BHS Aquascaping
Aquascape installs, private lessons, and sales.
Brooklyn Hardscape is an aquascape supply and design company started in Brooklyn, New York in 2017.
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Week 6!
Our @ultumnaturesystems Ryoboku show scape in our studio.Follow us as we post a journal of it's growth and change!
Light, light stand, soil, and aquarium are UNS products.
Light and Aquarium were provided by UNS.

This fun scape was a live demo for a private class in the studio. The client had a specific request. Light, filter, aquarium, glassware, soil and soil additives are all @aqua_design_amano.
Aquarium: ADA 45P
Substrate: ADA Aquasoil Version 2, Sera Ochre Sand
Filtration: ADA Super Jet ES 600
Hardscape: Frodo Stone, River Stone, Black Hill Stone, crushed Seiryu Stone
Light: ADA Aquasky Moon
#aquascape #aquascaping #aquadesignamano #freshwateraquarium #aquarium #naturescape #co2art #dooa #co2artist #naturetank #aquaticlife #natureaquarium #dooalife #interiordesign #Freshwatertank #aquariumsofinstagram #aquaria #brooklynhardscape #nature #skullaquascape #hightechaquascape #waterplants #aquascapingUSA #homedecor #plantsmakepeoplehappy #natureaquarium #adaaquascape #frodostone #ada45p #45P

Our 40C scape 'Vanguard'. We really are in love with the southern Oregon coast. This is modeled after some of the pine filled cliffs that border the ocean close to the California border.
This scape is using @nilocgaquatics's MASTERSOIL. Colin sent us a bag, which was stolen, then recovered. We used half a bag for a test scape, which worked out really well. So far we are really happy with the Mastersoil.
Hardscape: Seiryu Stone
Soil: MasterSoil from @nilocgaquatics
Filtration: @oase_na Filtosmart Thermo 200
Tank: 40cm cube
Light: Halide; ADA NAG Green 150w
#Advertisement #40c #40cmcubeaquarium #aquascape #aquascaping #aquadesign #freshwateraquarium #inspiredbynature #40Caquascape #co2art #plantsmakepeoplehappy #co2artist #naturetank #oregoncliff #natureaquarium #oldschoolaquascape #Freshwatertank #aquariumsofinstagram #aquaria #brooklynhardscape #homedecor #hightechaquascape #indoorplants #aquascapingUSA #cubeaquarium #natureaquarium #ilovemyjob

Although we’re closed for sales, we’re still around keeping things going until our move. Which were very excited about.

The bits and pieces we used for this scape. This fun scape was a live demo for a private class in the studio. The client had a specific request. Light, filter, aquarium, glassware, soil and soil additives are all @aqua_design_amano.
Aquarium: ADA 45P
Substrate: ADA Aquasoil Version 2, Sera Ochre Sand
Filtration: ADA Super Jet ES 600
Hardscape: Frodo Stone, River Stone, Black Hill Stone, crushed Seiryu Stone
Light: ADA Aquasky Moon
#aquascape #aquascaping #aquadesignamano #freshwateraquarium #aquarium #naturescape #co2art #dooa #co2artist #naturetank #aquaticlife #natureaquarium #dooalife #interiordesign #Freshwatertank #aquariumsofinstagram #aquaria #brooklynhardscape #nature #skullaquascape #hightechaquascape #waterplants #aquascapingUSA #homedecor #plantsmakepeoplehappy #natureaquarium #adaaquascape #frodostone #ada45p #45P

Looking forward to seeing how this scape grows out in the next 28 days.
This fun scape was a live demo for a private class in the studio. The client had a specific request. Light, filter, aquarium, glassware, soil and soil additives are all @aqua_design_amano.
Aquarium: ADA 45P
Substrate: ADA Aquasoil Version 2, Sera Ochre Sand
Filtration: ADA Super Jet ES 600
Hardscape: Frodo Stone, River Stone, Black Hill Stone, crushed Seiryu Stone
Light: ADA Aquasky Moon

Plant list from out Frodo Stone Skull scape. Aquarium: ADA 45P
Substrate: ADA Aquasoil Version 2, Sera Ochre Sand
Filtration: ADA Super Jet ES 600
Hardscape: Frodo Stone, River Stone, Black Hill Stone, crushed Seiryu Stone
Light: ADA Aquasky Moon
#aquascape #aquascaping #aquadesignamano #freshwateraquarium #aquarium #naturescape #co2art #dooa #co2artist #naturetank #aquaticlife #natureaquarium #dooalife #interiordesign #Freshwatertank #aquariumsofinstagram #aquaria #brooklynhardscape #nature #skullaquascape #hightechaquascape #waterplants #aquascapingUSA #homedecor #plantsmakepeoplehappy #natureaquarium #adaaquascape #frodostone #ada45p #45P

Still struggling with photographing this scape with the halide with an iPhone, suggestions welcome. The hardscape looks a little better at least.
Our 40C scape 'Vanguard'. We really are in love with the southern Oregon coast. This is modeled after some of the pine filled cliffs that border the ocean close to the California border.
This scape is using @nilocgaquatics's MASTERSOIL. Colin sent us a bag, which was stolen, then recovered. We used half a bag for a test scape, which worked out really well. So far we are really happy with the Mastersoil.
Hardscape: Seiryu Stone
Soil: MasterSoil from @nilocgaquatics
Filtration: @oase_na Filtosmart Thermo 200
Tank: 40cm cube
Light: Halide; ADA NAG Green 150w
#Advertisement #40c #40cmcubeaquarium #aquascape #aquascaping #aquadesign #freshwateraquarium #inspiredbynature #40Caquascape #co2art #plantsmakepeoplehappy #co2artist #naturetank #oregoncliff #natureaquarium #oldschoolaquascape #Freshwatertank #aquariumsofinstagram #aquaria #brooklynhardscape #homedecor #hightechaquascape #indoorplants #aquascapingUSA #cubeaquarium #natureaquarium #ilovemyjob

One of the prototype stands we have been playing with. Reclaimed wood, with no metal hardware but the leveling feet.
This fun scape was a live demo for a private class in the studio. The client had a specific request. Light, filter, aquarium, glassware, soil and soil additives are all @aqua_design_amano.

Throw Back Thursday post from the shop in Brooklyn over five years ago. A fun planted vase that ran for about 6 months.

Very intense, very blue. We're using a new ADA NAG green bulb. We're not investing in any more camera equipment for a while after some of ours walked away. But if anyone has any tips for photographing this blue beast with an iPhone, shoot us a message.
Our 40C scape 'Vanguard'. We really are in love with the southern Oregon coast. This is modeled after some of the pine filled cliffs that border the ocean close to the California border.
All but two of the scapes in the shop are using UNS's Controsoil. This scape is using @nilocgaquatics's MASTERSOIL. Colin sent us a bag, which was stolen, then recovered. We used half a bag for a test scape, which worked out really well. So far we are really happy with the Mastersoil.
#Advertisement #40c #40cmcubeaquarium #aquascape #aquascaping #aquadesign #freshwateraquarium #aquarium #40Caquascape #co2art #planted #co2artist #naturetank #oregoncliff #natureaquarium #oldschoolaquascape #Freshwatertank #aquariumsofinstagram #aquaria #brooklynhardscape #nature #hightechaquascape #waterplants #aquascapingUSA #cubeaquarium #natureaquarium #ilovemyjob

A list of all the plants we used for this scape for our 40C scape ‘Vanguard’.
We really are in love with the southern Oregon coast. This is modeled after some of the pine filled cliffs that border the ocean close to the California border.
All but two of the scapes in the shop are using UNS’s Controsoil. This scape is using @nilocgaquatics’s MASTERSOIL. Colin sent us a bag, which was stolen, then recovered. We used half a bag for a test scape, which worked out really well. So far we are really happy with the Mastersoil.
#Advertisement #40c #40cmcubeaquarium #aquascape #aquascaping #aquadesign #freshwateraquarium #aquarium #40Caquascape #co2art #planted #co2artist #naturetank #oregoncliff #natureaquarium #oldschoolaquascape #Freshwatertank #aquariumsofinstagram #aquaria #brooklynhardscape #nature #hightechaquascape #waterplants #aquascapingUSA #cubeaquarium #natureaquarium #ilovemyjob

This great skull shaped stone was given to us by Fiona from @aquaria_bellevue. Even though it's almost a month old, it really hasn't had a chance to grown in as we keep poaching plants from it for other scapes. This fun scape was a live demo for a private class in the studio. The client had a specific request. Light, filter, aquarium, glassware, soil and soil additives are all @aqua_design_amano. #Advertisement #aquascape #aquascaping #aquadesignamano #freshwateraquarium #aquarium #naturescape #co2art #dooa #co2artist #naturetank #aquaticlife #natureaquarium #dooalife #multipletanksyndrome #Freshwatertank #aquariumsofinstagram #aquaria #brooklynhardscape #nature #skullaquascape #hightechaquascape #waterplants #aquascapingUSA #seattleaquascaping #natureaquarium #adaaquascape #frodostone #ada45p #45P

There's nothing quite like the first month or so of a new halide bulb. Very intense, very blue. We're using the ADA NAG green bulb.
This is week two of our 40C scape 'Vanguard'. We really are in love with the southern Oregon coast. This is modeled after some of the pine filled cliffs that border the ocean close to the California border.
All but two of the scapes in the shop are using UNS's Controsoil. This scape is using @nilocgaquatics's MASTERSOIL. Colin sent us a bag, which was stolen, then recovered. We used half a bag for a test scape, which worked out really well. So far we are really happy with the Mastersoil.
#Advertisement #40c #40cmcubeaquarium #aquascape #aquascaping #aquadesign #freshwateraquarium #aquarium #40Caquascape #co2art #planted #co2artist #naturetank #oregoncliff #natureaquarium #oldschoolaquascape #Freshwatertank #aquariumsofinstagram #aquaria #brooklynhardscape #nature #hightechaquascape #waterplants #aquascapingUSA #cubeaquarium #natureaquarium #ilovemyjob

We’re closing our online store until July while we move to our new location. Goodbye Capitol Hill. It’s been a ride. #seattleaquascaping

Week three of our journal of ‘Reach’, a UNS 60U Ryuboku scape. Our @ultumnaturesystems show scape in our studio.
Light, aquarium, filtration, and CO2 are all UNS products.
Light and Aquarium were provided by UNS. #Advertisement #aquascape #aquascaping #aquadesign #plantlife #co2art #co2artist #aquaticlife #natureaquarium #aquariumsofinstagram #aquaria #brooklynhardscape #aquascapingUSA #aquascapingmakesmyworldgoroun #aquascapingworld #naturelovers #aquariumhobby #aquadesignamano #underwaterworld #aquariumhobbyist #theaquarium #aquariumsofinstagram #uns60U #iwagumi #plantsmakepeoplehappy #royuboku #seiryu #seattleaquascaping

Going to a new home within the next few weeks! #advertisement #aquascape #aquascaping #aquadesign #freshwateraquarium #plantlife #plants #homegarden #freshwatertank #aquariumsofinstagram #aquaria #brooklynhardscape #nature #UNS25C #seattleaquascaping #aquascapingUSA #bhsaquascaping #moss #houseplants #aquariumplants #natureaquarium #plantstagram #aquariums #plantsmakepeoplehappy #aquariumhobby #vivarium #plantsofinstagram #indoorplants #green #seattleaquascaping

Upcoming Workshops
Kevin is headed to the Aquatic Club of Pasco County to do a demo and lecture. This is a joint endeavor with Ultum Nature Systems